Paul Gambill ($5M Raised) on The Importance of Fundraising Process

Fulcrum Alum Paul Gambill from Nori sent us a short video on how he used the Fulcrum process to close more than $5M in seed funding over the last 18 months. Often entrepreneurs want to do things their own way, but when it comes to raising early seed funding this is rarely a good idea. Paul was an excellent student and diligently learned and applied our process, and despite a global pandemic, the results speak for themselves.

Watch paul talk about his experience:

If you are a mission-driven entrepreneur building something impactful and raising seed funding, please drop us a line or click here to learn more about Fundraising Mastery

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How To Raise Funding For Your Startup Like A Boss

Raising money is a highly asymmetrical process: Founders do it only a few times in their careers, while Angels and VC’s do it all day every day for years.

This results in a massive information, knowledges and skills gap between founders and investors. Watch this session (held on June 14th 2023) from Fulcrum Founder Will Sacks on what founders can do to close the gap and raise funding quickly and efficiently using the power of process.

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