GetFunded alum Nori closes $4M to scale up carbon removal marketplace

Today GetFunded Alum Nori closed their $4M seed round with some incredible investors.

We couldn’t be more excited for Paul Gambill, Nori CEO, and the team, and indeed for our planet.

Nori has a beautiful vision to reverse climate change and it was such a pleasure and an honor to work with the team to close their $1.3M seed round in January and assist with this current round.

The announcement was also reported on Coindesk and GeekWire with great quotes from Paul.

Huge congrats all round!

P.S. We are currently enrolling the next cohort of Fundraising Mastery, our boutique seed-stage accelerator program for mission-driven entrepreneurs. Learn more and apply here.



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How To Raise Funding For Your Startup Like A Boss

Raising money is a highly asymmetrical process: Founders do it only a few times in their careers, while Angels and VC’s do it all day every day for years.

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