Contact Information

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We created a spreadsheet containing each member’s contact information. You can access it by clicking on the following button.

Google Drive Folders

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Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Group Meeting Instructions

Group Meeting Sheets

Group 1     Group 2      Group 3     Group 4     Group 5     Group 6

Prospecting - Will & Levi

Weeks 1 & 2

Click here

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Session 1 Recording

Office Hour 1 Recording

Screen Shot 2020 07 15 at 12.07.17 PM – Fulcrum Ventures

Audio Materials

Weeks 3 & 4

Click here

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Session 2 Recording

Office Hour 2 Recording

Screenshot 5 – Fulcrum Ventures

Audio Materials

Weeks 5 & 6

Click here

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Session 3 Recording

Office Hour 3 Recording

Assignments 3 – Fulcrum Ventures

Nailing It Down

Nailing It Down – Fulcrum Ventures

Audio Materials

Weeks 7 & 8

Click here

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Session 4 Recording

Office Hour 4 Recording

Session 4 Assignments – Fulcrum Ventures

Weeks 9 & 10

Click here

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Session 5 Recording

Office Hour 5 Recording

Screen Shot 2020 09 09 at 2.03.51 PM – Fulcrum Ventures

Get Funded Bonus Course

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Get Funded audio course includes a bonus section which contains these modules:

  • Seed Round Toolbox
  • Term Sheet Teardowns
  • All The Documents You Need
  • Proven Investor Email Templates
  • Seed Round Secrets
  • Massive Q&A – All Your Questions Answered